SLV Winter Educators Conference

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Venue: McDaniel 306 clear filter
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Friday, January 17

10:00am MST

Migrant Education Program Binational Initiative: K-6 Online Resources for Colorado Teachers Using the Mexican SEP Textbooks
Friday January 17, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am MST
As part of the Binational Initiative, I am developing training and online resources for the Mexican Secretaría de Educación Pública textbooks that the Migrant Education Program (MEP) receives from Mexico each year. These are free textbooks for grades K-6 that are used in every public school in Mexico. They are great resources for our bilingual or monolingual Spanish-speaking students. These online resources are for Colorado teachers to use Mexican SEP textbooks. When teachers request SEP books, MEP wants them to have resources such as: Standards crosswalk- how do SEP books align with Colorado state standards, background information on SEP books and Binational program, and how to use SEP books in the classroom and at home for bilingual learners.
avatar for Laura Malouff

Laura Malouff

3rd Grade Teacher, Alamosa School District
avatar for Elisamaria Heredia

Elisamaria Heredia

3-5 EL Teacher and K-12 EL Coordinator, ASD
I am Elisamaria Heredia and have 24 years of experience working at Alamosa School District in the English Language Development department (ELD). I have also worked for the Migrant Education Program in different areas such as teaching during Summer School, planning for the EL Family... Read More →
Friday January 17, 2025 10:00am - 10:50am MST
McDaniel 306
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